I’ve started playing with cloud-init, and I’m occasionally seeing things halt 
during startup. Not very frequently, but frequently enough that it looks like 
some race condition. The indicator is the DHCP message ‘Got packet with wrong 
transaction ID’. Anyone else seen this?

BSD shrinker: unlocked, running
[I/32 dhcp]: Waiting for IP...
[I/32 dhcp]: Waiting for IP...
[W/212 dhcp]: Got packet with wrong transaction ID (800221411, 1181823109)
[I/212 dhcp]: DHCP received hostname: osv

[I/212 dhcp]: Server acknowledged IP for interface eth0
[I/212 dhcp]: Configuring eth0: ip subnet mask 
gateway MTU 1500
Running from /init/00-cmdline: /usr/mgmt/cloud-init.so --force-probe;

Running from /init/30-auto-00: /libhttpserver.so &!
could not load libicui18n.so.55
could not load libicuuc.so.55
Probing EC2 ...
Looks like we're on EC2

I get nothing else from OSv. At the same time, on the ec2-simulator I get this 

Serving metadata at local port 80 - - [07/Jan/2017 07:58:36] "GET /latest/meta-data/ami-id 
HTTP/1.0" 200 - - - [07/Jan/2017 07:58:36] "GET /latest/meta-data/public-hostname 
HTTP/1.0" 200 -

I wondered if it was something to do with getting the hostname via cloud-init, 
and re-doing the DHCP? I can’t say I’ve tried this before that recent change 
went in - if I get a chance later I will do…


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