With a couple of fairly trivial patches applied recently I finally got 
GraalVM isolates working properly on OSv. The GraalVM isolates seem to 
provide in-process isolation or some sort of "multi-tenant VM instances 
within the same app" experience and reduce memory utilization. For more 
details please:

   - see this issue - https://github.com/cloudius-systems/osv/issues/1031 - 
   where I have exchanged some info with one of the GraalVM committers,
   - new OSv example - 
   - this pretty detailed article about isolates implementation - 

This somehow reminds me or makes it look similar to what OSv attempted to 
achieve with IsolatedJVM construct within run-java wrapper. It seems 
graalvm isolates are more sophisticated and provides much better isolation 
and memory management.

Could also anybody confirm if any/all 3 graalvm-* examples work on their 
distributions? Please, note that the produced apps are regular Linux 
executables that should run on both Linux and OSv as is.

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