
On Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 9:02:25 AM UTC-5, rickp wrote:
> Hi, 
> On Tue, 2019-12-10 at 05:43 -0800, Waldek Kozaczuk wrote: 
> > Hi, 
> > 
> > I think that Nadav had some code review comments he hoped to get 
> > resolved before he could apply the entire series. I think he did 
> > apply couple of the very first and trivial ones though. I wonder if 
> > some of the individual patches like this one can be applied piece by 
> > piece. All in all, I would love to finally merge this code. I think 
> > that Nadav mentioned some of the bug fixes that are part of it as 
> > well that would be nice to merge. 
> Well, the v6 support is required to be taken seriously I guess ;) At 
> the moment we have to accept v6 connections on the host and bounce to a 
> v4 port on OSv. Horrible. 
If you are interested and have time to help me, I am willing to create ipv6 
branch and apply the remaining patches in this series to it. That way we 
can independently test it before we apply them to the master branch. But I 
would need some help. I do not have expertise in networking code that you 
seem to have.

> Certainly some parts of Charles' patch set look like they could be 
> applied independently. Taking this one, Nadav didn't have any 
> objections - but then it just languished. 
> > As I understand Spirent (so you and Charles, right) maintain a 
> I'm nothing to do with Spirent - not sure why you have that impression. 
It was just my impression. Did not mean to imply anything :-) 

> > separate fork of OSv - https://github.com/SpirentOrion/osv - which 
> > has many fixes in networking stack beyond the IPV6 patches that 
> > Charles sent, right? I would love to bring them on to the original 
> > repo. Now we have some sort of an automated test framework that could 
> > let us test the networking stack against over 20 or more workloads - 
> > https://github.com/cloudius-systems/osv/wiki/Automated-Testing-Framework 
> I do maintain my own separate tree because we have a slew of stuff that 
> we have to have fixed (multicast mac addresses on the interfaces, the 
> long ongoing clock problem). After the clock issue, I just wanted to 
> press on with our stuff and if you're not interested in fixing things, 
> so be it. 
> Certainly I can see why Charles didn't come back. 

I do not think we are NOT interested. It is just we have a very limited 
number of volunteers contributing to the project. I myself (who contributes 
solely on its own personal time) have only so much capacity, time and more 
importantly knowledge in relevant areas of the code to review or 
contribute. Having said that it is my impression that in the last couple of 
months we started receiving contributions from more people and 
organizations. Which seems to be an encouraging sign.

Now regarding the clock issue, if I remember correctly you sent a patch 
that Nadav had some reservations related to potential performance 
degradation. Have you had a chance to somehow measure the performance 
impact of your code changes? 

Could you please elaborate on the "multicast mac addresses on the 
interfaces" issue?

> > Lastly as far as cloud-init and program options fallout. Indeed 
> > cloud-init was the only app I did not remove program option in lieu 
> > of our custom lighter core/options.cc (boost and this specific 
> > library were giving us a lot of grief). If you have a patch handy 
> > with those fixes to cloud-init please send me one and I will happily 
> > apply. 
> Understood. I'd missed the implications when you did your initial post 
> on the subject. 
> My patch is intertwined with the network-module stuff, which is why I 
> was asking the question. Its easier to submit one patch than unroll 
> them. 
> Let me try to apply this patch as-is. Regarding the "program options" part 
could you please send me your version of the patch so that I can extract 
the relevant parts and apply it.



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