What is this great website you are speaking of???

As for FOR I am a student right now but my guess would be REHABIlitaiton, MOHO, 
Dynamic interactional approach - graded tasks...


On Sat, 4 Aug 2001 22:2:27 -   Fowler Katherine wrote:
>Mr. Silva,
>I have had the wonderful experience of developing a cardiac rehab 
>program during my internship some years ago.  I worked as a cardaic monitor 
>tech on a cardiac floor for many years before completing my OT schooling and 
>through my associations with cardiopulmonary physicians and staff, some creative 
>exercise protocols were collaborated and initiated.  For example:  
>upper/lower extremitiy exercises are initiated in the semi reclined (fowlers) 
>position to decrease cardiac exertion while increasing the blood flow.  
>Exercises are slowly increased in repetition and the position is increased to a 
>full seated position as the patiet gains strength and endurance.  Vital 
>signs should be monitored at all times and exercises graded accordingly.  I 
>hope this is helpful.
>K Fowler, OTR/L
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: mr silva  
>Sent: 8/4/2001 6:44:57 PM 
>Subject: why is no one writing?
>I wonder if maybe people aren't writing because the 
>topics tend to be very deep, and may not be a reflection of what practitioners 
>want to discuss.  For example, when I joined, what I hoped I would find, 
>and what I unfortunately haven't found, is an exchange of treatment ideas for a 
>variety of disabilities/conditions our patients have, and ways to improve our 
>technical skills.  As I'm saying this, however, I do have to ask the group 
>a "deeper" question.  So, I'd like to start dialogues in 2 different 
>directions.  The first is something I really need, asap, as I've got a 
>student coming soon and a form to fill out.  The second dialogue, however, 
>is of far more interest to me.  Here goes:
>1.  I've got a Level 1 student coming sooooon, 
>and the school wants to know what Frames of Reference I am using.  Now, I 
>really hesitate to ask this question of you all, as I really, really do no want 
>to get into philosophical discussions.  I'm leaving these issues to the 
>theorists.  I presume Ron is rolling is eyes right now - I'm really not 
>picking on you Ron - but I don't want to get into a discussion about this - I 
>just need some fast, quick help.  I work in home health with a variety of 
>paitents with a variety of conditions.  Can anyone tell me what Frames of 
>Reference they use in this type of setting?
>2.  How about we talk about an area that is 
>one of my favorite directions for OT to go into - pulmonary rehab.  For the 
>longest time, I really didn't have a good handle on how to treat these patients, 
>beyond energy conservation.  But a couple of years ago, I found this 
>fabulous website (see attachment above) and which has specific treatment ideas 
>for various conditions - one of the best OT websites around, I believe.  I 
>used this site as a springboard for doing further reading and research into this 
>condition, and it has totally changed the way I work with patients, and has 
>really made me a much more effective practitioner.  Now, whenever I work 
>with a patient with a pulmonary (and often cardiac) diagnosis, I give them an 
>information packet, rich with information, and especially teach them to really 
>listen to what their bodies are telling them (by way of symptoms) and to act 
>accordingly.  For example, if they are cognitively intact, we discuss SOB - 
>what makes them SOB, what makes it worse, better, etc, so they can really start 
>thinking about it.  Very often, they have been SOB for so long, they don't 
>think about it, and only notice it when it is really bad.  However, they 
>can make real changes in their lives if they recognize the early stages of 
>SOB, and learn to "nip it in the bud" right away before it gets worse, by 
>performing proper breathing techniques.  We then discuss the Levels of SOB 
>(I've whittled the levels down to 3 is it is much more user friendly for the 
>elderly) and teach how to apply them.  We actually practice many different 
>ADLs and leisure activities, teaching the patient self-monitoring skills, until 
>they can control their breathing, without my intervening.  I can't tell you 
>what a powerful difference this has made in patients lives, and it was all 
>through this website, jumpstarting ideas and getting me excited about 
>This is what I hope this forum will produce - a 
>real dialogue ideas.  What do you all think?  In exchange for sharing 
>this wonderful website with you, please, please, please, help me with #1 - 
>Frames of Reference - please, please, please!!!
>--- Fowler Katherine
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