I Beg You In . 
With all sincerity and humility i am Jewel Taylor,the
wife of the 
deposed President of Liberia, Fomer African colony of
the United 
states Of America.
I write you this proposal based on the fact that i
need your aid 
to relocate to a safe haven my husbands personal funds
effects namely 2kg weight of Diamond stones and 14
gold bars with 
$2.4 Million USD,all deposited in a safety deposit box
in a 
financial institution which will be later disclosed to
you upon 
your offer of acceptance. 
The lives of myself and my children are at risk ever
since my 
husband engaged himself in this rebel of a thing in my
which later saw him as the president of my country. 
We have currently been offered political assylum in
the Federal 
Republic Of Nigeria by its Presiden,Olusegun
Obasanjo,which will 
confine us to its shores for the rest of my lives.
I have been guranted safety by the United staes
Government and 
that of the Nigerian Government by a meeting held with
Presidents,President George Bush Of the united States
and that of 
the Nigerian President on the 10th of July 2003 at the
concluded Leon Sullivan Summit Held In Nigeria..
What you may hear of my husband should you decide to
verify may 
not be of a good report but he has learnt his lesson
the hard way 
and what i do now i do for the sake of my two
daughters and son 
whom i pray to God in order not for them to suffer for
the sins 
of their Father. 
I am prepared and willing to consider your price for
aiding me in 
this matter and will welcome your conditions to the
best of my 
Upon my arrival in Nigeria i will provide you with a
phone line 
in which i can be reached as it is not possible for me
to make 
long distance calls from my place of confinement
except i do it a 
few blocks away if the necessary need arises. 
View this site to see a picture of me:
I look forward to your prompt response.
Yours Sincerly,
Jewel Taylor.

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