Hi Suzi,
In answer to your question about training.  We were luck enough to make contact 
with a Physio on the island where I'm based who worked in the UK and helped set 
up protocols on safety issues with clients with special needs and who has done 
intensive training (in Rebound Therapy and professional trampolining too), and 
is himself qualified to train others in Rebound Therapy.  He went through 
theory on why trampolining is theraputic and helpful to children and adults, 
not just for SI reasons.  He currently works with adults with learning 
difficulties.  Children (and adults) with profound physical difficulties are 
regularly taken onto the trampolines and it is amazing how gratifying they find 
the experience.  He showed us how to use dampening techniques on the 
trampoline, how to facilitate height if the client is struggling and needs a 
bit of height, how to develop rolling and balance, etc.  One thing that was 
emphasised was that each child in the group needs his/her own program and
 stratagy for developing performance - this in turn helps to measure outcomes.  
Manual handling techniques were discussed re the use of hoisting to get 
children onto the trampolines and safety while on the trampoline - this 
included the most expedient way of getting kids off the trampoline in an 
emergency and the need for risk assessments to be completed for each individual.

I must say it was a great training experience and very practical - all of the 
Paeds OTs and PTs in the CDC went on the training and we are looking forward to 
working together (some more than others!) in refining our techniques.  I'm 
really excited about this (just in case you missed noticing this from the rest 
of the email!) and will keep you posted about the progress - we're starting a 
group next Wednesday with some of our DCD kids (should be challenging as there 
are ADHD traits in a couple of them!).
Hope this answered your question, 

Suzi Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I work in a private pediatric setting. We have a fairly large sensory gym
which includes an inground (level with the ground) trampoline. We use it a
lot for vestibular and propriocepitive input as well as motor planning,
etc...but have no formal guidelines on what we do on it. I was just
wondering if you went to special training that teaches specific techniques
or strategies to work with children with specific needs and how to achieve
the outcomes you are looking for. Thanks for your input.


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