Senate Agrees to House-Passed Bill with One-year Cap Solution; Still Work to be 
AOTA Language Improves Cap Solution in Conference Bill

The Senate passed the conference report on the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 
(S. 1932) in a 51-50 vote, with the tie breaking vote cast by Vice-President 
Dick Cheney early Wednesday, December 21.  The bill is nearly identical to the 
House-passed Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 that includes a proposal to allow a 
one-year fix for the cap on outpatient occupational therapy.  

Due to small changes to a provision related to Medicaid liability for 
hospitals, and the stripping of two small policy reports that have no budget 
impact, the amended budget reconciliation bill must now return to the House of 
Representatives to be passed again in its final form.  The House must adopt the 
Senate-amended version before the president can sign it, as the two chambers 
must report out identical bills.  As of press time, it is unclear as to when 
the House will vote on the bill again, since most members have returned home 
for the holidays. 

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