Hi Ron & All,
I am sure this might start a thread.
You asked me if I am a member of AOTA.
I was for years but not now.
For the three reasons:

1. they dropped the ball when they let medicare exclude OT (the only therapy
and most functional in homes) as a qualifying skilled coverage for home

2. my state Medicaid does not cover home health OT but does cover PT

3. I have noticed very little effort by AOTA to get the "OT extended
coverage"  bill passed that would allow OT to now be a qualifying service as
well as nursing, PT and Speech in home health.

So now I only join my state organization and low vision organization since I
feel AOTA does not use my money to benefit me.
Also, I took an AOTA online course on low vision early this year and it was
poorly done compared to the online low vision course I took from the Lions
Vision Research & Reahb Center, whichs was excellent.
Maybe that will get something stirred up.


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