PLEASE don't refer to me as the "OTR who felt derided"!!  I didn't feel
like *I* was being derided, and I certainly didn't take it personally... it 
the activity I thought was derided.

I just wanted to know that there were other OTs out there using balloons
effectively, and my mission was accomplished  :)

I do agree that it doesn't differentiate OT from PT, and I also agree that
it isn't appropriate for everyone that it's used with, but it does serve a
purpose for me (and, apparently, other OTs)


At 09:25 AM 1/21/2007, you wrote:
>Hi B,
>   Well, as I wrote before, beach or balloon volleyball cannot be claimed 
> by OT.  PTs do claim "functional activity" as within their realm.  Again, 
> let me clarify, I am not "deriding" the use of balloon volleyball.  I'm 
> just saying that playing balloon volleyball is not what differentiates OT 
> from PT.
>   On a different note, as someone previously mentioned, that group was 
> inappropriate.  An 8:1 ratio is too high and this is defintely in 
> violation of SNF regulations which, correct me if I'm wrong, is 4:1.  It 
> is a shame that there is so much variability in the quality of rehab one 
> can expect to get from one facility or provider to another.  This is most 
> probably why the rehab. professions are such a hard sell to payors.
>   Sincerely and forever giving permission to tell me if I offend,
>   Jimmie
>Charles Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hi All:
>My Mother went into the ER with a urinary infection and dehydration, she 
>was admitted into the hospital for about a week. This episode really 
>weakened her. The hospital PT felt (and I felt) she needed to go into a 
>SNF for a brief stay for her to get PT and OT daily, as she is in the 
>later stages of Parkinson's. If I had taken her home at that point she 
>would only receive PT 1x a wk/ 6 wks. My goal was to at least getting her 
>back to where she was prior to being in the hospital. She came home 
>yesterday where she was Mod/Max Asst. standing/ambulation with rolling 
>walker 50' -75'. I discussed with the OTR a home UE program in which I 
>will continue and her Medicare/Ins will pay for PT to come to her home 1x 
>a wk/ 6 wks.
>To get back to why I'm telling you all this is because I walked in on one 
>of her daily therapy sessions on Wed. and there were a group of about 
>eight pt's sitting in their w/c in a circle playing beachball catch (no 
>one standing)...with  a PTA. I thought it was OT group session.????
>I mention this only because of the previous OTR who felt derided on the 
>otlist that she uses this therapy with her pt's. I just wanted her to know 
>that PT must be billing for this type therapy too (some how)
>Also I was surprised at her D/C yesterday when I asked the nurse to look 
>at her PT progress notes and D/C note, (because no one from the PT dept. 
>showed up at her care meeting on Wed. for her DC yesterday. only the OTR 
>and social worker) there was only a copy of her original Eval upon her 
>admit. I wanted to read up on her improvement etc. over her stay. The 
>nurse knew I was a COTA. I asked her her where the DC note or any other 
>daily notes were and she said "They don't do that there"......I was 
>shocked. So I went downstairs to the Therapy Dept to personally talk to 
>the PT about my Mother.
>Have things changed?? Everywhere I have ever worked I have had to put my 
>daily and weekly progress notes in the patients medical records that day 
>as required. My pt's original hard copy were always kept in therapy dept. 
>for the billing.
>Just wanted to share this.
>B Sullivan, COTA/L
>balloon volleyball has been derided on the list.  I always bit my tongue
>and didn't respond because I am one of those OTs that plays balloon
>volleyball, and balloon badminton (whether or not we use racquets depends
>on the size of the group).  I never spoke up because I didn't want to come
>under attack, but I have to say I have found it to be great therapy for my
>back patients in the chronic pain clinic I work in.
>I work with a lot of worker's comp patients who have back injuries and
>can't stand for more than 5-10 minutes.  Guess what?  I get them involved
>in a spirited game and before they know it, they have been on their feet
>for 30-45 minutes without even thinking about their pain!  They love it,
>and it is a wonderful activity for increasing standing tolerance.
>I have never used Punching balloons.  But considering that they don't pop 
>easily and they are large and move slowly, and are good for patients that 
>use canes. I will start use them for appropriate pt's.
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