My experience with Saebo started April 2006 to present.  I have had 10
patients who were fitted and are using the device to further Independence.
I have had some great results.  


1.       Patient-CVA post 22 years ago.  We have had to work first on
lengthening her flexor tendons using a Dynasplint wrist extension.  She has
a prosthetic leg on stroke side.  (She was in a tractor accident and lost
her leg and had a blood clot resulting in stroke).  She has the most tone in
her L UE so far of all other patients.  She is working with grasping the 7”
ball w/ Saeboflex mostly in front of her because she has about 40 deg of
AROM w/ shoulder flexion.  We are making some nice gains w/ shoulder and
elbow.  We have been working about 2 weeks. She did get Botox shots in

2.       Patient CVA post years ago.  This guy is amazing.  I have been
working with him since Dec. 2006.  He attends 1x per week because he travels
100 miles.  He was easy to fit due to having good joint stability.  He now
can pick up and place a small water glass and tip it over. He is using it to
carrying items.  His shoulder and elbow have improved both ½ full ranges and
better. His finger extension is about ¾ movements.  He has never pick up
anything before this training.  He stated he didn’t get much therapy due to
right after his stroke he had DVT in the hospital and only got P.T.
outpatient.  No one worked on his hand.  

3.       Patient CVA 8 years.  Young mother in her 30’s currently.  I just
started with her.  She is making nice gains w/ movement also.  

4.       Patient CVA 7 years ago.  Male age upper 30’s.  This guy has
amazing strength and tone w/ finger flexors, elbow extensors and shoulder
elevation.  If he moves his arm anytime, these synergetic patterns occur.
He has to be reminded to not crush the ball, but grade the grasp of the
ball.  He is making good progress using his hand without tensing his
shoulder and w/ elbow flexion movement without tensing his shoulder.  


I have a few more that later I can explain if anyone wants more examples.  


I was certified in April 2006 and have had to market this a lot.  It’s a new
concept and device.  It shows that the hand leads the rest of the arm.  Most
theories state return goes proximal to distal.  The above cases have all
improved w/ movement throughout the stroke arm.  Patients have to be
motivated and are asked to complete the exercises two 45 mins. session a
day.  They come in 1-3 times (depending the traveling distance) and OT guide
them with what to work on next.  Repetition is the key to this success to
“rewire” the brain.  I currently have 1 Neurologist from another town
referring patients to me and these patients are bypassing 2-3 other OT
clinics.  It gets me very excited to see this improvement over a short time;
however the patient has to commit long term to continue improving.  I am
also using the Interactive Metronome (IM) program with these patients just
to see if IM speeds up more improvements.  So far I would say yes.  It is
only the same theory of rewiring the brain to improve cognition, motor
planning, and reaction time.  


It is well worth the $480 for the course.  I know currently about 1/3 of my
patients are due to treating w/ Saebo.  Most of these patients are grateful
for someone to care.  Also, Medicare is recognizing Saeboflex as chargeable
code.  Medicare is covering 80%.  Insurance vary.  


If anymore questions, I can post more information. 


Cimberly  “Kimberly”  Viken, OTR/L  (spelling is w/ a C)

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