Here's  a  "real  world"  ethical  dilemma that happened yesterday. It
involves me, but I didn't have the dilemma.

My primary care MD only accepts cash. While walking into his office, I
realized that I did not have cash or a check. When signing in, I asked
the  receptionist  to just bill me. The office manager said "no" and I
asked  her to speak with the MD, who also said "no". I have been going
to  this MD for 7 years, have been billed in the past, and have always
paid my bill on time. So here's the dilemma.

The doctor was faced with competing choices. Do no harm to the patient
or do no harm to the practice. Or, do good for the patient and do good
for the practice.

In this case, the MD choose the practice over the patient. Is that the
correct  choice?  Some will argue yes and some will argue no. And that
is precisely why it's a dilemma.

Ron Carson MHS, OT



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