Hello Everyone:

Audra,  your  recent message reminds me of something I've been wanting
to post.

A  couple weeks ago at an ALF, I was commenting to my patient that she
was  so  depressed  and  withdrawn. I said that in my experience, most
residents  in  ALF's  are  withdrawn.  She  quickly commented that she
wasn't  depressed  or  sad. She went on to say that the ALF was clean,
warm and the people were nice. She said: "What else can I ask for?".

It dawned on me that the needs of our aged patients are often not what
we  perceive.  And,  it  is  very  difficult to NOT apply our own bias
towards  our  patients. But, if we take a minute to ask AND to LISTEN,
we can learn a lot from our patients.

Ron Carson MHS, OT



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