Check  out  this D/C note. Can you imagine what a doctor will say *IF*
they ever read this note....

"At evaluation, the patient was devoid of any meaningful or productive
occupation   (activity).   As   such,  the  primary  role  of  OT  was
facilitating the patient to re-initiate her interest in the occupation
of  crocheting.  At d/c, the patient showed interest and spontaneously
participated  in  her previous occupation. Her husband was educated on
the  benefit  of  keeping  the  patient  appropriately engaged in this

You know, being an OT is at time wonderful. In one day, I was seeing a
patient  to  facilitate  her  engagement in crocheting and facilitating
another  patient  to  stand  from her wheelchair. The diversity of our
profession never ceases to amaze me!!!

OT - The (O)ther (T)herapy <smile>




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