To the OTList:
It is ironic that during this month of April--OT Month- that I have decided to 
go against my own  sunny disposition and go with a black cloud of negativity in 
my submitted  OTList post.  
  After reflecting on my career as an OT,  I'm very discouraged and worried 
about my profession. While the job has been a nice living and provided me with 
secure employment and good benefits over the last decade and a half (even in a 
recession), I cannot bring myself to any level of comfort or satisfaction with 
the profession. Granted, I am thankful for the many rewarding experiences I 
have had with a few patients and with great co-workers (OT/PT/SLPs) over the 
years, the fundamental lack of identity of the profession,  lack of public 
awareness or understanding, and uncertain future direction of the profession 
leaves me with no sense of confidence about my career development. No respect, 
No level of prestige.
I am as confused about OT as I was when I started 15 years ago, and I have been 
making it up as I go along ever since. Additionally, I am a male OT which puts 
me in an even more isolated position of dispair. Is there something about OT I 
don't get due to my Y chromasome?  Frankly, I've been getting-by in my OT 
professional life based on being as practical, and as creative as possible, and 
I also rely on a heavy dose of what the Irish call "Blarney" or  a humble and 
crude charm to navigate and survive in this industry. Sometimes I feel like a 
sham or a fake, sometimes I don't think I'm contributing much value to the big 
picture. And what really bothers me is that I'm not sure anybody would want to 
pay me for what I do if MEDICARE wasn't picking up the tab. If a client had to 
prioritize and pick one service to help them through their rehab, I think PT 
and speech would have me beat.  My profession is too vague and misunderstood to 
 including me. And this has bothered me to greater or lesser degree my whole 
In times such as these I should be very thankful for a good paying job and a 
chance to use my training for good where I can. At the present moment that is 
what I am trying to do. But as I look at future opportunities, I don't see OT 
in my future. The centennial vision targets science and evidence-based 
practice, aging in place, driving, health and wellness and a few other things. 
As you can tell I have lost my Rose Colored Glasses, and I don't see great 
things happening in these areas. . Am I a pessimist if I don't bank on these 
areas being a wellspring of success? Even with the onslaught of aging baby 
boomers, I think we are missing the chance to serve them due to our wishy-wahsy 
Ron, are you smiling? <smile> I am ranting today...can you tell? I need someone 
to talk me down off this ledge! It feels good to get these negative vibes out 
of my system. What my next professional move will be...I just don't know.
And  by the way Happy OT Month!:)



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