I dont see how that is even possible. What are the normal work load 
expectations at your facility? Our expectations are 6 hrs of billable/direct 
patient contact time for 8 hrs of paid time.

Sue D 

> Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 03:53:07 -0700
> From: brentche...@yahoo.com
> To: otlist@otnow.com
> Subject: [OTlist] A Typical Day, Is this Normal?
> There have been some very excellent and insightful posts recently and I need 
> to go back and read them a second time before I respond..very thought 
> provoking....
> Over the past "busy season" at my place of work I've been having a very 
> challenging caseload. Please review the circumstances and decide if it is a 
> normal/comfortable work condition
> In an 8 hour day I have to treat and do daily notes, 1 weekly note, attend  1 
> weekly staff meeting and attend 1-2 care plan meetings.
> 1. 91 yo female, femur fx nwb-max assist ADL, wants to go home alone-60min
> 2 91 yo female, sternal fx max assist ADL, want to go home alone-60 min (Eval 
> today)
> 3 85 yo female, total knee replacement  ADL with supervision but 
> encouragement 45min
> 4 82 yo female, distal radial fracture-ADL with minimal assit-home alone-60 
> min
> 5 81 yo male, total hip revision-ADL with minimal assist and encourge- to 
> live alone 60 min
> 6 77 you female, CVA Aphasic right hemi- max assist self care- to live with 
> spouse -60 min
> 7 63 yo female, Multiple sclerosis, max assist ADL, home with spouse, 60 min
> 8 74 yo femal, CVA right hemi-max assist ADL, r/oSNF placement , 60 minutes
> 9 65 yo male, Parkinson  stand by assist ADL, home with spouse who works, 60 
> min
> So I'm scheduled to see these people today... about 465 minutes of 
> treatment,5/9 patiens are maximal assist,   all this week, did this all last 
> week
> Does this sound like a reasonable and appropriate schedule?
> Am I going to be able to get through it and still provide that meaningful and 
> effective, individualized treatment that will create a great public relations 
> image?
> Give me some feedback
> Brent
> --
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