Do  you  ever sit back and envision a new life for your patients? Do you
imagine  how patients' lives can be after therapy is done? While fishing
today,  a  patient I just evaluated crossed my mind and I wondered how I
could  improve the quality of his life. How I could make a life for this
person.  I  developed  a  "vision" of how this many might live his life.
BUT,  this  is my vision, not his. In the two meetings I've had with the
patient, he's not verbalized any goals or passions.

This  middle  aged  man  experienced a stroke about 12 years earlier. It
left  him  severely  impaired.  He  is  essentially  dependent  for  all
self-care. He is unable to unable to do almost anything for himself. The
man  has  received countless hours of therapy since his stroke. Based on
reports from caregivers, past OT's have focused on ROM for the patient's

At  my  last  appointment,  I  asked the patient "what are your goals?",
"what  do  you  want  to do with your life?" The caregiver, who has been
with  the  patient 5x/week for 1 year, stated that no therapist had ever
asked  the  patient  what  HIS  goals were. If true, that's a pretty sad
statement about the OT's who came before me. But that's another message.

I am seeing this man 5x/week and I want to get inside his brain and help
him  figure  out how he wants the rest of his life to play out. I'm sure
he  wishes  that this "nightmare" would just end, but the sad reality is
that he will probably spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. I told
him  that  there  was  nothing  "I"  could  do  to  make  a  substantial
improvement  in  his  physical  condition.  I  told  him  that my job is
teaching people how to take care of themselves and be productive. At the
moment,  self  care  is  out  of  question, but productivity has lots of

But,  I  want to get this thing right. I want to ensure that I am on the
same  page  as the patient. What if the patient has no goals? What if he
just  doesn't  care  and  has given up? What if he has no vision for his
life? Can one person give another person a vision? Can I "show" this man
that  his  life  may  never be the way it was, but that it can be better
than right now? Help me find a vision for this man!!



Ron Carson MHS, OT



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