I evaluated a patient on Saturday with multiple medical issues including MD.
He  has  difficulty  with  dressing,  bathing,  toileting,  etc  because  of
bi-lateral shoulder weakness.

I  would  address  his shoulder strength but PT is already doing that. So, I
will work on adaptive dressing strategies, etc. However, the patient is VERY
mechanical  but  has  great difficulty picking up small items because of the
MD.  He  specifically  said he has great trouble with his zipper, even after
modifying it.

During  the  eval,  he told me that he needs something to brace his thumb so
that  he  can  use  a  finger grasp for small items. Immediately, I told him
about a thumb spica splint. He was excited about the idea.

This  is  the  1st  patient  on home health that I've worked with where fine
motor  control was a primary concern. It's going to be challenging because I
haven't made a splint in many years...


Ron Carson MHS, OT



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