
Ich habe OTRS 2.0 auf einer Windows-Plattform installiert.
Bis auf den Versand von E-Mails scheint jede Option einwandfrei zu 

Im File "otrs.log" sehe ich folgende Einträge:

[Mon Feb 20 16:56:18 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::ArticleSend] Sent email to 
'"Juergen Tolksdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' from 'hostsystem SupportPortal 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. HistoryType => SendCustomerNotification, Subject => Re: 
[Ticket#2006022010000018] New Queue "Support"!;
[Mon Feb 20 16:56:18 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::SendCustomerNotification] Sent 
customer 'QueueUpdate' notification to '"Juergen Tolksdorf" <[EMAIL 
[Mon Feb 20 16:56:26 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::ArticleSend] Sent email to 
'"Test User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' from 'hostsystem SupportPortal <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>'. HistoryType => SendCustomerNotification, Subject => Re: 
[Ticket#2006022010000027] New Queue "Support"!;
[Mon Feb 20 16:56:26 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::SendCustomerNotification] Sent 
customer 'QueueUpdate' notification to '"Test User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'.
[Mon Feb 20 16:58:17 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::ArticleSend] Sent email to 
'"Juergen Tolksdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' from 'hostsystem SupportPortal 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. HistoryType => SendCustomerNotification, Subject => Re: 
[Ticket#2006022010000018] New Owner "Juergen"!;
[Mon Feb 20 16:58:17 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::SendCustomerNotification] Sent 
customer 'OwnerUpdate' notification to '"Juergen Tolksdorf" <[EMAIL 
[Mon Feb 20 16:58:28 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::ArticleSend] Sent email to 
'"Juergen Tolksdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' from 'hostsystem SupportPortal 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. HistoryType => SendAnswer, Subject => Re: 
[Ticket#2006022010000018] TESTMAIL;
[Mon Feb 20 16:58:28 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::ArticleSend] Sent email to 
'"Juergen Tolksdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' from 'hostsystem SupportPortal 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. HistoryType => SendCustomerNotification, Subject => Re: 
[Ticket#2006022010000018] New State "open"!;
[Mon Feb 20 16:58:28 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::SendCustomerNotification] Sent 
customer 'StateUpdate' notification to '"Juergen Tolksdorf" <[EMAIL 
[Mon Feb 20 17:00:46 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::ArticleSend] Sent email to 
'"Juergen Tolksdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' from 'hostsystem SupportPortal 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. HistoryType => SendAnswer, Subject => Re: 
[Ticket#2006022010000018] TESTMAIL;
[Mon Feb 20 17:01:54 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::ArticleSend] Sent email to 
'"Juergen Tolksdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' from 'hostsystem SupportPortal 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. HistoryType => SendAnswer, Subject => Re: 
[Ticket#2006022010000018] TESTMAIL;
[Mon Feb 20 17:07:07 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::ArticleSend] Sent email to 
'"Test User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' from 'hostsystem SupportPortal <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>'. HistoryType => SendCustomerNotification, Subject => Re: 
[Ticket#2006022010000027] New Owner "Juergen"!;
[Mon Feb 20 17:07:07 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::SendCustomerNotification] Sent 
customer 'OwnerUpdate' notification to '"Test User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'.
[Mon Feb 20 17:07:27 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::ArticleSend] Sent email to 
'"Test User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' from 'hostsystem SupportPortal <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>'. HistoryType => SendAnswer, Subject => Re: 
[Ticket#2006022010000027] TEST2;
[Mon Feb 20 17:07:27 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::ArticleSend] Sent email to 
'"Test User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' from 'hostsystem SupportPortal <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>'. HistoryType => SendCustomerNotification, Subject => Re: 
[Ticket#2006022010000027] New State "open"!;
[Mon Feb 20 17:07:27 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::SendCustomerNotification] Sent 
customer 'StateUpdate' notification to '"Test User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'.
[Mon Feb 20 17:10:07 2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketCreate] New 
Ticket [2006022010000054/BRAH!] created (TicketID=8,Queue=Support,Priority=3 
[Mon Feb 20 17:10:07 2006][Notice][main::FetchMail] Fetched 1 email(s) from 
[Mon Feb 20 17:25:20 
2006][Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::ArticleSend] Sent email to 
'"Juergen Tolksdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' from 'hostsystem SupportPortal 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. HistoryType => SendAnswer, Subject => Re: 
[Ticket#2006022010000054] BRAH!;

In der Datei "defaults.pm" habe ich folgende Modifikationen vorgenommen:
    # --------------------------------------------------- #
    # SendmailModule
    # --------------------------------------------------- #
    # (Where is sendmail located and some options.
    # See 'man sendmail' for details. Or use the SMTP backend.)
   # $Self->{'SendmailModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Email::Sendmail';
   # $Self->{'SendmailModule::CMD'} = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -i -f ';

    $Self->{'SendmailModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Email::SMTP';
    $Self->{'SendmailModule::Host'} = '';
    $Self->{'SendmailModule::Port'} = '25';
    $Self->{'SendmailModule::AuthUser'} = 'system.ticketsystem';
    $Self->{'SendmailModule::AuthPassword'} = 'ticketsystem';

    # SendmailBcc
    # (Send all outgoing email via bcc to...
    # Warning: use it only for external archive funktions)
    $Self->{'SendmailBcc'} = '';

    # SendmailNotificationEnvelopeFrom
    # Set a email address that is used as envelope from header in outgoing
    # notifications
#    $Self->{'SendmailNotificationEnvelopeFrom'} = '';
Wenn ich per windump meinen Port 25 überwache, passiert nichts. 
Hat jemand eine Idee?

Vielen Dank für Kommentare 

mit freundlichem Gruß
Jürgen Tolksdorf

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