
Along with the config in the file, you need in Sysconfig the change the
defaults to enable AD Authentication. Look in sysconfig for LDAP and you
will get FrontEnd::Customer:Auth, there you need to configure the same
settings as in your config file.


2016-09-02 5:59 GMT-06:00 Dimitrakakis Georgios <

> Hello!
> Can someone explain a little bit more analytically how one can use AD to
> authenticate users?
> I read the “External Backends” section in the manual but a few things are
> not clear to me.
> So far I have managed to perform section 5.2.2 (
> https://otrs.github.io/doc/manual/admin/stable/en/html/
> external-backends.html#customer-backend-ldap) which is to configure AD
> for customer backend.
> When completed from the menu Admin->Customer Users I can see the people
> defined on the AD to access OTRS.
> Of course they are not able to authenticate. I am reading below section
> (https://otrs.github.io/doc/manual/admin/stable/en/html/
> external-backends.html#customer-auth-backend-ldap)
> but that doesn’t work with a “wrong password error” although the apache
> log says “Cannot find ID for USERNAME”
> What I am trying to understand here is if I need somehow before
> authenticating to put the AD entries into the OTRS database so that it can
> retrieve the “username” and then by using the next part to authenticate at
> the AD using that.
> If someone could share its configuration would be very nice.
> In general what I am trying to achieve is not to have any users on OTRS DB
> and do everything from AD. For the moment I have configured two AD groups
> one for Agents and one for Customers. Ideally OTRS should be able to
> distinguish between those and allow login accordingly. So if you have any
> configuration that you can share it will be much appreciated.
> Best regards,
> G.
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*Alvaro Cordero RetanaConsultor de Tecnologias*
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