Hi Guys!

I'm using a lot of ACL in OTRS 5. After the upgrade of the test environment
from 5.0.27 to  6.0.6 I got a lot of  ACL related message in OTRS log during
the new ticket creation:

[Tue Apr 24 13:24:15
Need Data!

[Tue Apr 24 13:24:15
Need Data!


It looks ACL's are working but these messages are slowing down the system.

I'm using the ACL for Service assignment according the CustomerID.so  all
ACL's are disabled and created a very simple one which is assign SPAM
service for all customer.

$Self->{TicketAcl}->{'00001 - SPAM service'} = {

  'Possible' => {

    'Ticket' => {

      'Service' => [





  'PossibleAdd' => {},

  'PossibleNot' => {},

  'Properties' => {},

  'PropertiesDatabase' => {},

  'StopAfterMatch' => 0



The result is the same with this simple one it's working but I got the
message 48 times!

Is anybody faced the similar issue after the upgrade?


Many thanks!


Zoltan BIRO 

Senior Consultant


   Madach Imre ut 13-14., 1075 Budapest

    <http://www.amaris.com/> www.amaris.com
<mailto:zoltan.b...@amaris.com> zoltan.b...@amaris.com

<https://twitter.com/Amaris>  <https://www.linkedin.com/company/amaris> 


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