I am using OpenTRS for all of our email customer support for our web site
and it is awesome, thanks to all of the developers!!!

However, I'm not really familiar with the whole Ticketing process...so I
probably have the program set up incorrectly.  I had some questions, wasn't
sure if they were real design change requests, so I thought I would start

1. How are you supposed to handle Locked Tickets?  Example, I get a question
from a user about someone else's recipe, so I forward the question to the
owner of the recipe.  The ticket is locked and then I get a response from
the owner and can now pass the answer back to the questioner.  It is great
that the ticket is locked (and out of the way) until I get a response.

2. But I don't understand why the New messages and Locked Tickets links are
way off on the right, separate from the regular queues.

3. I don't understand why when I'm looking Locked Tickets, they don't show
me the same list of queues at the top to further filter, e.g. I may have 10
Customer Support ?s locked, but I also might have some tickets from another
queue locked and I want to just deal with items in a certain queue at once.

4. I don't understand why the Locked Tickets/New Messages view is so much
different from the regular queue view.  This summary view doesn't tell me
anything about the tickets, so I must zoom each one to deal with it, while
the queue view shows me the message so I can deal with it right there.

5. How are the Locked Tickets and New Messages views sorted and why?  I
guess I expected them to be sorted by the age of the tickets, oldest first,
like the other queues.

6. Why is it that after zooming (and closing) a ticket from the New Messages
or Locked Tickets views you are returned to the personal or other queue,
instead of the New Messages or Locked view that you were in?

7. (Eventually I'm sure there will be rich reporting and stats added to
OpenTRS; given that) I'm wondering how I should set up my queues. Example,
we get several different categories of requests through our
[EMAIL PROTECTED] address.  They fall into several basic categories of
problems, but it is a general address so I can't presort into queues using a
different address.  Thus, if I want to track how many questions we get about
x v. y later, should I first send them to a different queue or will I be
able to get numbers on how many people got a particular response?  (The
latter is easier for me, if that matters.)

I'm sure, I'll have more questions later...Thanks again.

Gay Gilmore
Recipezaar: Where the Recipes Are

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