Hi Martin,

> > Hi Diego,
> > Quoting Diego Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > I'm logged as a customer at
> > >
> > > I go to new ticket, I fill in the "Subjetc" and "Text" fields. The
> > > "To" has only one option: "OTRS System <otrs@localhost> - Queue:
> > > - master queue". And click on "store" boton.
> > >
> > > At the browser title appear "HTTP 500 Internal server error"
> > >  And shows the page titled: "The page cannot be displayed"
> > >
> > > The same occurs when I tried to store a phonecall logged as an agent.
> > >
> > > What can i do?

> > This look like a filesystem permission or config problem!

I found an error in the webserber error_log

[Wed Nov  6 09:57:56 2002]

Can't open /
opt/OpenTRS/var/log/TicketCounter.log: Permission denied
[Wed Nov  6 09:57:57 2002] [error] [Wed Nov  6 09:57:57 2002] null: Died at
Kernel/System/Ticket/Number/DateChecksum.pm line 99.

I'll try to solve it, but if you have any suggestions, will be welcome.

> > Use $OTRS_HOME/bin/SetPermission.sh and check $Self->{Home} in
> > your Kernel/Config.pm.
I've done this but no good results.

> > Martin


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