Hi, I hope I can help with this info:
If You want to know (for sure) which modules are installed, then
use pmtools. Here is short description what they can:
The pmtools suite written by Tom Christiansen to help navigate and manage
Perl module installations. You can obtain them at
>From the README: 
This is pmtools -- a suite of small programs to help manage modules.
The names are totally preliminary, and in fact, so is the code.  We follow
the "keep it small" notion of many tiny tools each doing one thing well,
eschewing giant megatools with millions of options.
pmpath - show the module's full path 
pmvers - get a module version number 
pmdesc - get a module description 
pmall - get all installed modules pmdesc descriptions 
pmdirs - print the perl module path, newline separated 
plxload - show what files a given program loads at compile time 
pmload - show what files a given module loads at compile time 
pmexp - show a module's exports 
pminst - find what's installed 
pmeth - list a class's methods, recursively 
pmls - long list the module path 
pmcat - cat the module source through your pager 
pman - show the module's pod docs 
pmfunc - show a function source code from a module 
podgrep - grep in pods of a file 
pfcat - show pods from perlfunc 
podtoc - list table of contents of a podpage 
podpath - show full path of pod file 
pods - list all standard pods and module pods 
sitepods - list only pods in site_perl directories 
basepods - list only normal "man-page" style pods 
faqpods - list only faq pods 
modpods - all module pods, including site_perl ones 
stdpods - list standard pods, not site_perl ones 

For example with pminst, You can get EXACT list of installed Modules.

Ah, btw. David Krcek and Me managed to install otrs-beta on
FreeBSD 4.7-Stable + Apache + Mysql + Perl...
Some fine tuning needed but systems are alredy online and
productive :)

thx for this exepctional prog :)

Thomas W. Horna

Von: Martin Edenhofer
Gesendet: 05.12.02 19:17
Betreff: Re: [otrs] Internal server error at Agent compose 'empty answer'

On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 08:36:13AM -0800, Matt Kirk wrote:
> This shouldn't be a problem.  Cobalt user management may add new
groups, but
> I don't think it will modify existing ones.  It is worth testing

I think the same. Anyway, if you run in trouble, move to the database


Martin Edenhofer - <martin at edenhofer.de> -
"There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and Unix.
We don't believe this to be a coincidence."  -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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