Hi Thomas,

On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 09:43:17PM +0100, Thomas Eisenbarth wrote:

> >> I'm using qmail-vpopmail and trying to pipe otrs-mails to
> >> PostMaster.pl
> >> 
> >> i've tried several configurations of the .qmail-file in user otrs'
> >> homedir and in the vpopmail-domain-directory.
> >> just for testing i forwarded mails or otrs in the .qmail -file - it
> >> worked. it seems to be a problem to pipe the mails to the
> >> PostMaster.pl - file.
> >> 
> >> any ideas?
> ME> Is "shell:~ # cat doc/test-email-1.box | bin/PostMaster.pl" working?
> Yes, works perfectly

Hmm... I'm not familiar with qmail. :-/

-=> Use bin/PostMasterPOP3.pl and AdminInterface => POP3 Account (then you
    don't need to configure qmail) 


> Thomas Eisenbarth               mailto:eisenbarth domecon.de


Martin Edenhofer - <martin at edenhofer.de> - http://martin.edenhofer.de/
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