I'm trying to run two instances of OTRS under one server. 
The server is running Solaris 8 with Apache 1.3.27 and mod_perl 1.27.

I've installed one in /opt/otrs (1.0.1), the second in /opt/otrs_is (1.0.2).
One is using a user called otrs, the second a user called is_issue.
I've set up two databases, one called otrs, the second called otrs_is.
Each system has unique TicketHook, Database, DatabaseUser, DatabasePW,
SystemID in it's Config.pm file.

In the httpd.conf file I have the following:

    Perlrequire /opt/otrs/scripts/apache-perl-startup.pl
    Alias /otrs/ "/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/"
    <Location /otrs>
       SetHandler  perl-script
       PerlHandler Apache::Registry
       Options ExecCGI
       PerlSendHeader On

    Perlrequire /opt/otrs_is/scripts/apache-perl-startup.pl
    Alias /is_issue/ "/opt/otrs_is/bin/cgi-bin/"
    <Location /is_issue>
       SetHandler  perl-script
       PerlHandler Apache::Registry
       Options ExecCGI
       PerlSendHeader On

My initial install in /opt/otrs works fine.  If I then try to use the
second one http:://hostname/is_issue/index.pl I end up getting the the
queview for the initial install rather than the login screen for the
second.  It seems like no matter what I do I end up back at the
/opt/otrs install.

One thing I noticed is that the startup script (apache-perl-startup)
has the /opt/otrs hard coded in it (lines 10&11).  I tried changing
this in the /opt/otrs_is instance, but it did not help.

It occured to me that the two startup scripts each try and update
perl's lib path (@INC) so that when the script later does the: use
Kernel::Config, it will always get whichever Config.pm shows up 
first in the perl library path.  To confirm this, I switched the
order of the Perlrequire lines in my httpd.conf.  Sure enough,
I could only get to the /opt/otrs_is instance.  

So, am I doing something wrong?  Have I missed something?  Anyone
out there have two instances of OTRS running under mod_perl?

Thanks in advance for any help.

                       - Alan -

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