Alan Murrell writes:
> > If you want you own choose of queues in Customer
> > interface, use:
> > 
> > [...]
> >     $Self->{CustomerPanelOwnSelection} = { 
> >         # QueueID => String
> >         '1' => 'First Queue!',
> >         '2' => 'Second Queue!',
> >     };
> > [...]
> That's perfect.  Thank you!  Now we can enable the
> Customer interface :-)

(Almost) perfect for me too. This thread has been very useful. I
hadn't cottoned on to the possibilities of the alternatives for
PhoneViewSelectionType and CustomerPanelSelectionType, but making some
or all of the queues available (Queue) in the agent interface, while
restricting the customer interface to a single queue (SystemAddress)
with a modified CustomerPanelSelectionString is just what I want.

However, the QueueID that is required when defining
PhoneViewSelectionString or CustomerPanelOwnSelection is the numeric
id that is stored in the database. As far as I can tell, these ids
aren't available from the agent interface. It would be convenient if
they were displayed under Queue Management, in the way that user ids
are displayed under User management.

Also, it seems that OTRS sorts the entries alphabetically according to
the 'String' values. I would like to force our default queue,
Incoming, to be the default in PhoneViewSelectionString, but it's not
the earlist alphabetically. Can it be done? I had expected the order
of presentation to be the order of listing in PhoneViewSelectionString.

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