Is it possible to add another option to the config file so that someone who doesn't own a ticket can still change the priority? I've got this set up in my system by the simple expedient of commenting out the portion of that checks if the user is the ticket owner, but when we upgrade our OTRS system of course that change is going to be overwritten and I'll have to go back and update that again.
The reason we need that option is because we're planning to have one of our users check each ticket when it comes in and assign it a priority so that our other agents know what's important and can just grab the next highest-priority ticket rather than having to worry as much about which tickets are important and wasting time trying to decide what to deal with. As it is, in order to do this, the priority-setter would have to change the ticket owner to themselves, set the priority, then unlock the ticket again. This user has a lot of other things to do, and having to go through all those extra steps is a waste of time. Like I said, I've already hard-coded the fix in our system, but it would be nice to see the option in future versions. I also imagine that we're not the only people who want this kind of configuration. Thanks! -- Chris Salter _______________________________________________ OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage: Archive: To unsubscribe: Support oder Consulting für Ihr OTRS System? =>