Am Fr, den 19.03.2004 schrieb Robert Kehl um 15:28:


> Are you really composing messages and leave the browser open when you go
> home? You shouldn't do. When work is finished, the agent should log off.

I don't. It expires WHILE I am writing a reply so that I have to
re-login as soon as I hit "Send Mail". A colleague of mine has
complained about this, too. He usually comes at 8:30am and leaves before

> Increasing the session time means the agent has more time from his last
> action onwards, not from the beginning of his logon. In other words: If
> you allow a 12h session, an agent logging in at 5 pm and performing the
> most recent action at, say, 8 pm may do nothing for 12h from 8 pm on, so
> he's safe till 8 am next morning - not 5 am.

Are you sure about this? My log says otherwise.

Checking the logs, my OTRS day had the following relevant events

Mar 18 07:59:28 zire OTRS-CGI-10[26148]: [Notice][Kernel::System::Auth::DB::Auth] 
User: dseifert logged in
Mar 18 15:02:26 zire OTRS-CGI-10[370]: 
[Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::SendArticle::SendArticle] Sent email ... HistoryType 
=> SendAnswer ...
        at some time after 3pm I started answering a new ticket which
        was rather tricky, I was also disturbed by several phone calls.
        Considering the next line of the log, I was clicking on "Send
        mail" at ~5:25pm:
Mar 18 17:25:16 zire OTRS-CGI-10[370]: 
[Notice][Kernel::System::AuthSession::IPC::CheckSessionID] SessionID 
(10e33ce8653a21e6b3471097c8a9bf137d) too old (8h)! Don't grant access!!!
Mar 18 17:25:16 zire OTRS-CGI-10[370]: 
[Notice][Kernel::System::AuthSession::IPC::RemoveSessionID] Removed SessionID 
Mar 18 17:25:23 zire OTRS-CGI-10[32715]: [Notice][Kernel::System::Auth::DB::Auth] 
User: dseifert logged in (REMOTE_ADDR:, btw, is the proxy server.

I have a timeout of 8 hours, I was kicked out 9:25 hours after I logged
in, less than 2:23 hours after I replied to the last ticket and
presumably at least a few minutes less after I started answering the
next ticket.

For me it definitely looks like the session timeout applies to the start
of the session, but not to the last action (because this was at 3pm so
the session shouldn't have expired before 11pm).

Daniel Seifert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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