Microsoft SQL Server 2000 complains about the table "system_user".  It says
there is an error near the keyword 'system'.  System is a reserved word when
using MSSQL.  This message will pop up when trying to create the tables from
the schema.sql file, when trying to populate the tables with the
initial_insert.sql file, and any time the program tries to read or write to
the system_user table.

Here is how I worked around it:

For the .sql files:  Place double quotes around the word system_user
So, change this:  system_user   to this:  "system_user"

For everything else, place the following in

$Self->{DatabaseUserTable} = '[system_user]';

The only difference from is the use of [] around the term
system_user.  The [] tell the sql server to use the term literally instead
of interpolating keywords.

Tyler Hepworth
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