
I probably need to explain my problem a bit more detailed, since the DNS
Resolution of my server is working e.g. if a send a ping to gmx.de
everything works fine.

I am actually using Mercury as an Smtp Client (relay version). We are
sending emails from our local network to our local server which passes
them on to our provider. So there is no need to check the DNS. We are
using Mercury for OTRS and for our other email traffic, too. These other
emails can be send to gmx.de without any difficulties, just OTRS refuses
to do so. Last time I had this problem I changed my settings in the
Config.pm file and it worked afterwards. But now I have the same problem
again even though I didn't change my settings.

Kind regards,
Andreas Bublitz

Robert Kehl wrote:

> On Tuesday, March 30, 2004 3:38 PM
> Andreas Bublitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I didn't mean CheckEmailAddresses but CheckMXRecord.
> Your server can't check the MX (Mail eXchanger) record in the DNS for
> gmx.de. This means DNS resolution isn't working. It may well be the
> server is not allowed to issue DNS queries to the outside.
> hth,
> Robert Kehl
> --
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