On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 16:04, Covert, Jake wrote:
> What are the differences between your test system and your production
> system?  I would assume that the volume of tickets? (unless you did an
> export of prod. Db to test system before attempting upgrade).  Any other
> differences?

There are not many differences. Our evaluation system of about a year
ago became the test system, so, yes, it has fewer tickets. The main
thing we changed was the ticket number format. The Config.pm settings
that are different are:


The last one is because the test system has additional queues that I
subsequently experimented with.

> What version was your system at before things started to get weird? What
> steps (step by step explainnation) did you do to upgrade from old working
> system to first version that started to display these issues?
> What is the backend database you are running?
> Versions of:  apache / operating system / mod_perl / database backend

I've been running 1.1.1 on both systems for almost a year (a planned
upgrade to 1.1.3 didn't happen). I upgraded the test system to 1.2.1 to
1.2.2 to 1.2.3 - all without apparent problem.

I upgrade by:

 - comparing Defaults.pm files to see what has changed, and modifying
   Config.pm accordingly

 - comparing var/cron/*dist files for differences and installing what
   I want to run

 - comparing bin/Cron.sh to see if there is any reason to change the
   modified version I use, and which is kept outside of the tree

 - comparing GenericAgent.pm.dist files and either installing my modified
   version or porting my changes to the new version

 - installing my own customer authentication module in

 - comparing Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/Customer{Footer,Header,Login}.dtl
   files and installing my modified versions or porting my changes to the
   new versions

I completed the upgrade of test, initially to 1.2.1, by running 
bin/SetPermissions.sh and scripts/DBUpdate-to-1.2.mysql.sql -  there
were no errors - and then similarly to 1.2.2 and 1.2.3, but obviously
without repeating DBUpdate.

As already reported, there was no sign of any problem displaying
QueueView at any of those versions. It appeared as soon as I logged in
after upgrading the production system to 1.2.3 (from 1.1.1).

I upgraded the production system by copying the modified 1.2.3 tree from
the test machine, modifying the settings in Config.pm listed above and
running DBUpdate-to-1.2. NB I have moved TicketCounter.log out of the
tree so that I have one fewer thing to change; its location - the same
on both systems - is defined in Config.pm ($Self->{CounterLog}).

I subsequently copied the pre-update backup of my production database to
the test machine, updated it, and am now using that to investigate the
problem. So far, by adding print diagnostics to
Kernel/Modules/AgentQueueView.pm, I see the creation of HTML suddenly
stopping mid-ticket in this loop at line 190.

    # --
    # show ticket's
    # --
    foreach (@ViewableTickets) {
        print $Self->ShowTicket(TicketID => $_);
but so far I haven't a clue what set of circumstances is giving rise to

Both systems have identical software: Red Hat 9; Apache 2.0.47; MySQL
4.0.12. Linux was installed from the same image, and both machines are
updated identically. Apache and MySQL were built on the test machine and
copied to the production one. I'm not using mod_perl.


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