I've been fussing around for most of the past two days with the Customer
front end, and I'm a bit stuck.  Probably I have just confused myself...

::Our Setup::
We use OTRS to take care of all of our clients' tickets.

For each client, we create an email account called "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
that OTRS fetches via POP3.

For each client, we have a top queue with the name of the client (we do
not use this queue for tickets) and underneath we have three sub-queues:
Incoming, Closed and Invoiced.

When OTRS fetches emails to create new tickets, they are dispatched by
queue to each client's Incoming queue.

When an agent finishes with the ticket, he/she moves the ticket from the
client's Incoming queue to the client's Closed queue, after creating an
Internal Note listing the time spent and billing rate. (Note that the
ticket state in OTRS is still "Open").

Our Billing Department looks for tickets in all clients' Closed queues. 
When they find one, they enter the billing information into our
accounting system manually, move the ticket to the Invoiced queue, and
then change the state of the ticket in OTRS to "Closed".

::Our Challenges::
We want to allow a manager from each client to look at all tickets in
that client's Incoming, Closed and Invoiced queues.  We don't want this
client manager to see any internal notes however.

::What We've Done So Far::
We successfully modified Config.pm to manage CustomerUsers.

We set up Groups called "ClientA-Mgt", "ClientB-Mgt" etc., and and
assigned these groups to each client's Incoming, Closed and Invoiced
queues. We also made all of our agents members of all of these groups
with rw permissions

We then set up a test ClientA customer user and gave him ro permissions
to the ClientA-Mgt group. OTRS then gave him rw permission to the users

Unfortunately, this customer user sees no existing tickets when they log
in.  They only see tickets that they themselves create.

What have we done wrong?


A Message From...  L. Mark Stone

Reliable Networks of Maine, LLC
477 Congress Street, 5th Floor
Portland, ME 04101
Tel: (207) 772-5678
Web: http://www.rnome.com

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