Hi Rajiv,

a nice patch! :) We added this feature to the cvs version
(also OTRS 1.3).

There is now a config option to enable/disable this feature


    # PostmasterFollowUpSearchInReferences
    # (If no ticket number in subject, otrs also looks in In-Reply-To
    # and References for follow up checks)
    $Self->{PostmasterFollowUpSearchInReferences} = 1;


The default is off because some people don't want this feature.

Anyway a really good work Rajiv!



On Thu, Jul 29, 2004 at 11:48:57AM +0000, Rajiv wrote:
> Attached is a patch for making OTRS use the email headers to choose
> the TicketNumber. When the patch is applied, PostMaster looks for the
> TicketNumber in the subject [as it used to]. If the TicketNumber is
> not found, it will look at the References and In-Reply-To headers and
> try to lookup the TicketNumber for those headers.
> Would appreciate it if you can take a look at it give some feedback. 
> Reading:
> http://www.jwz.org/doc/threading.html
> http://search.cpan.org/src/SIMON/Mail-Thread-2.5/Thread.pm
> Warning:
> The Article table is not indexed on a_message_id. The lookup for
> ticketnumber given the message-id could be expensive. Right now we
> dont have too many entries in the DB. So it seems to behave fine. 
> Food for thought:
> o The alternative strategy I was thinking was that the message id is
> composed by otrs as <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Maybe we can
> use this information to get the ticket number. If no OTRS generated
> message IDs are found in the message headers, then we can look at the
> current brute force algo. 
> o Using the headers instead of Subject should probably go into the
> Config.pm?
> Martin Edenhofer wrote:
> > Hi Rajiv,
> > 
> > On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 07:06:41AM +0000, Rajiv wrote:
> > > This is probably right out of the FAQ, but I couldnt find it there. I
> > > am trying to get OTRS use the References email header to thread
> > > messages. As far as I can see, it seems to be using the Ticket number
> > > in the Subject line to thread the messages. Is there some
> > > configuration change required to enable header based threading instead
> > > of subject based threading?
> > > 
> > > Thanks in advance for any pointers you can provide!
> > 
> > There is currently just the subject based threading in ticket zoom
> > possible.
> > 
> > Sorry.
> > 
> >   Martin Edenhofer

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