> Hello, 
> I have seen many inquiries in the list archives regarding customer
> notifications when a Note is added to a ticket.  I too have this
> requirement.  I suspect that the module that needs to be modified is
> AgentNote.pm .  Has anyone been able to successfully patch the system to do
> what is needed?  A short note that states that the ticket has been updated
> would be sufficient.  I don't want to spend a lot of time developing this if
> someone has already.  
> Many thanks in advance! 

**Disclaimer - I am not an official voice of OTRS.  This is just my opinion.

I don't believe you will ever see this feature developed and your time
would probably be better spent elsewhere.  A "note" is classified as
an internal comment.  This is something that the customer will never
see - not in email or the cpanel.  It is intended to allow agents to
post information that may be important to know about someone, but
which you probably would not want that individual to be aware of.  If
the agent needs the customer to be aware of some tidbit of
information, then the agent should use either "compose answer" or
"contact customer". Compose will send an email to the customer with
the agent's response (what better notification is there than this). 
Contact will file the agent's response in the db but not send an
email.  The response is publicly available in the cpanel.

To notifiy a customer of queue moves, state changes, or owner changes,
you can enable these options when setting up the queue in the


Tyler Hepworth
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