On Thu, 07 Oct 2004 10:09:58 +0300, Erol YILDIZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to create a user which has all the permissions except changing
> the owner of the tickets in that queue but even I give all the privileges
> except 'rw' this user can't see that queue and the tickets in it. If I
> give rw it can see the queue and the tickets but the user can also change
> the owner of the tickets ofcourse.

Add the following to your Config.pm

    # QueueViewAllPossibleTickets
    # (show all ro and rw queues - not just rw queues)
    $Self->{QueueViewAllPossibleTickets} = 1;

One thing to be aware of though.  Take away owner will make it so that
they can't change owner, but it will also make it so the agent can't
be an owner either.  They won't be able to claim and work on tickets!

I had this same problem and learned the hard way.  We have just made
it an institutional procedure that only a supervisor can change
owners.  If an agent changes without express permission to do so,
there can be disciplinary action.


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