On Thu, 07 Oct 2004 11:21:13 -0700, Lance McCulley
> Hash: SHA1
> My GenericAgent.pm is located in /var/www/localhost/Kernel/Config/
> my GenericAgent.pl is in /usr/bin/
> I don't know why everything is all over the place, but it is very
> strange. The ebuild for Gentoo didn't create a /opt/otrs director. so
> I looked everywhere for all of the config files and such and they are
> all in /var/otrs /var/www/localhost/ and /usr/bin
> I tried changing the path in
> /var/www/localhost/Kernel/Config/Defaults.pm to /var/www/localhost
> ~  # --------------------------------------------------- #
> ~    # directories                                         #
> ~    # --------------------------------------------------- #
> ~    # root directory
> ~    $Self->{Home} = '/var/www/localhost';
> and then changing the GenericAgent.pl back to Kernel/cpan
> # use ../ as lib location
> use File::Basename;
> use FindBin qw($RealBin);
> use lib dirname($RealBin);
> use lib dirname($RealBin)."/Kernel/cpan-lib";


Did that fix the problem?
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