On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 15:57:32 +0200, Patrik Forsberg
> > A ticket has be locked while you are working on it!
> > To unlock a ticket after a move to a new queue, add the
> > following line to
> > your Config.pm:
> >
> > $Self->{'Move::ForceUnlockAfterMove'} = 1;
> But.. but.. I'm not aculy working on the tickets.. and I dont want to
> force unlock just becouse "any" ticket is moving from one queue to
> another. This only happends when running a bulk-move not if you do it
> for a single unlocked ticket. What I want is the same behavor as a
> single move has but on bulk-action.
> Consider the following:
> You have 10 messages in the Support queue. These are actualy supposed to
> be in the Sales queue becouse it aint a support issue but a Sales thing.
> Here I dont want to lock the ticket just move it to the Sales queue.
> On the other hand I might have 5 tickets that I have locked in the
> Support queue that is supposed to be in Advanced-Support .. sense I'm
> aculy working in both queues I whish to keep the ticket but move it to
> the correct queue for future answering back to the customer. Here I dont
> want the tickets unlocked rather keep it in its current state.
> Well.. its just a sugestion.. if you dont want to impl. it its ok.. then
> we'll have to do without the feature. OTRS is the best ticket handler on
> the market if you'd ask me.. atleast from those I've tried.
> Regards,
> Patrik


I created a patch that provides the option on the bulk action page to
unlock tickets after submit.  Please see my post on the dev list
titled: "Patch to Bulk Action - Option to allow unlock of tickets".


Tyler Hepworth
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