Hey guys,  OTRS looks like a great piece of software
and perfect for what I need setup at my job.  I've
followed the instructions for installing, my webserver
is setup and all needed perl modules are installed. 
However, when I go to run the installer.pl (or even
index.pl) I get this error:  no connection to syslog
available at ../..//Kernel/System/Log/SysLog.pm line

Any ideas on how to fix this?  I'm not sure what I
have to do to get it to connect to syslog.  My boss
(who setup the unix server) told me that syslog is
using all the default settings and I coudln't find any
syslog things to set in the Config.pm.  Oh yeah and
I"m trying to run OTRS on Solaris 8.

--Matthew Shapiro
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