Edgar Meij wrote:
I'm working on that right now actually... Apart from some general
information (# of new tickets, calls, e-mails) I think most stats are
implementation-specific. Right about everything you need is put in the
ticket_history table, so take a peek in there first. Things depend on how
the ticket_history_id's are defined in the ticket_history_type table.

If you would like more information, don’t hesitate to ask!


I've created two tables in OTRS data-scheme: ticket_history_stats
and interval_descr_stats.

Both are populated by my "ticket history stats" perl-script called
via the cron this way:

  # generate summary for previous month
  02 00 1 * * $HOME/bin/thStats.pl -m `date --date="1 month ago" "+%Y/%m"`

First table: ticket_history_stats is keyed by ticket_id and contains
timestamps when that particular ticket was created, opened, answered
and closed, as well as cumulative times (in seconds) how many times
each ticket spent in state "new", "open" but not answered (requiring
action on agent's side).

Second table: interval_descr_stats contains grouped statistics for
some interval/queue (...) and it's functional columns contain values
calculated with Statistics::Descriptive (count, mean, median, stdev).

Beside that, I also needed snap-in module that could be used as
query tool for the two statistical tables.

I'm finding hard to predict all the possible state transitions to
correctly cover all cases (like for example agent makes additional
followup to already answered ticket, or when customer replies on
already closed ticket).

Can I send you my patches so you can make use of them. The patches
were written for version 1.1.3, and now I'm doing an upgrade to

Are your patches available somewhere?

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