Talley, Brooks schrieb:
Yep, really.  Mind you, this is just for CustomerUser, not for the
entire OTRS backend.  We are using MySQL for the main backend, and while
we are hoping to move that to MSSQL also, we've determined that that is
not critical, so if it can't happen we'll just live with it.  The main
thing was getting customer data integration, and that we have.

I see - this is never a problem, the big issue is the main db backend.

It did take some work to get going, but all of the changes have been in
Config.pm; no actual source code has been touched.  We are still in the
evlauation phase, so there may be gotchas that we haven't run into yet.

To get you going: It's about the limited data types available in MSSQL - larger (greater 4k) text objects cannot be indexed neither searched. This might have changed in the recent past, although I do not expect it to. As stated, search the list's archives (via gmane.org, f.e.) - you'll get it.

With kind regards,

Robert Kehl
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