This sounds like an apache configuration issue.
Read the part about configuring apache in the docs,
or attach your apache configuration and maybe we can
spot where it's wrong.
Michael Belz wrote:
Adding to this nightmare is the following…..
1. I created a directory named /opt/otrs to start things off.
2. I then added a user to the system using “adduser –d /opt/ otrs”
by default this created a home directory of “/opt/otrs”.
3. I then placed the otrs-xxx.xx..x..x.tar.gz and unzipped it in
the /opt/ directory which placed all my otrs files inside the
/opt/otrs directory.
4. I added the otrs user to the “www” group in the /etc/group file.
5. I then opend up the file and noticed that it
defaults to setting the groups on the otrs files to “nobody”, I
read that this is good for SUSE linux but not correct for
others, so I changed the “nogroup” to “www” in the file.
6. I then ran the “./ /opt/otrs otrs www” against
the otrs install and directories.
7. So I now have otrs owners and www groups against my directories.
8. If you look in the apache config files I have user “www” and
group “www”. And I can read to the directories etc.
9. I do not understand what is wrong I keep getting “”
10. Someone please help no one is responding to my posts.
-----Original Message-----
*From:* Michael Belz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Thursday, July 07, 2005 10:49 AM
*To:* ''
*Subject:* PLEASE!!!!!!!! CAN ANYONE HELP ME!!!FW: You don't have
permission to access /otrs/ on this server.
-----Original Message-----
*From:* Michael Belz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 05, 2005 4:42 PM
*Subject:* FW: You don't have permission to access /otrs/ on
this server.
*Question is about the post-install apache permissions*
This is something that I believe needs to be added to the main
documentation for FreeBSD users, mainly for Jr. Administrators that
are not as savvy as Senior Unix guys. : )
I have seen many questions on this topic but nothing very accurate and
concrete. Hopefully by many users adding their input to this post “we”
can submit this to the OTRS guys.
*_Software and minimum requirements_*
* *OS *
FreeBSD 5.3 everything is updated and current including CVSUP, ports etc.
* *Web Server *
Apache 2.0.54 (default user group is www instead of the wwwrun like
older versions.)
* *Database *
MySQL 5.0.6
* *Perl*
Perl 5.8.6_2
* *PHP*
Mod Php 4-4.3.11_1
*_CPAN modules_*
*_ _*
I installed all CPAN modules from the CPAN shell, and also from the
BSD ports directories everything worked good, and checked out fine! To
make sure I ran the following script!
I move to the/ /*/opt/otrs/bin/*/ /directory and performed the
“otrs.checkModules” script, everything is okay except for Net::LDAP
which is not required.
(If this is please let me know.)
**** ”$shell” would be replaced by your shell prompt!
Check if all needed modules are installed:
$shell:~> perl -cw /opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/
/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/ syntax OK
$shell:~> perl -cw /opt/otrs/bin/
/opt/otrs/bin/ syntax OK
everything came back just fine with the ok!
*_Create User_*
I created a user named *“otrs”*, his home dir, is located in */opt/otrs *
*_Change the webserver user_*
_ _
*) Change the webserver user (normaly wwwrun) to the OTRS user (otrs).
User wwwrun
User otrs
/***By default under Apache2 you will have to use the the www user it
no longer supports the wwwrun by default any longer. This is to my
*Permissions on web server*
**this may be where my issue lies.
* *
* I use FreeBSD 5.9 which may have some different steps to follow
* First off whenever I run the ./ script I notice
that it changes the groups to “Nobody” is this correct for
Freebsd? Even when I put in the parameter or www on the script
such as ::
Documentation example::
bserver with wwwrun user (e. g. SuSE): " /opt/otrs otrs
* Keep in mind I change this to the following ::
Webserver with www user (FreeBSD) /opt/otrs otrs www
* Im not sure if this is correct what I am trying to tell the
system is that I want otrs user and www group. After the script
is ran it shows otrs as user and nobody as group is this
correct? I have also tried this with www user and www groups
which is the apache default.
* I have ran the script many many times changing between the www
user and the otrs user and different groups from otrs, apache,
and www, to no avail. I have also performed chgrp –R on all
directories to www, and otrs, and nobody and chown –R and chmod
–R 755 against all left everything wide open and I still have
not permission, changed permissions on everything manually and
will not open at all.
*Finally *
* The error logs say client denied by server????????*
* When I go to run the or the I get the
* *
* *
* *
You don't have permission to access /otrs/ on this server.
/Apache/2.0.54 (FreeBSD) PHP/4.3.11 Server at / Port 80
* *
Please help if there is someone that knows anything more!
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