On Tuesday 26 July 2005 12:26, Victor Rodriguez Cortes wrote:
> On 26 Jul 2005 at 11:34, Hamish wrote:
> > Hi
> > Is there a way to change date format in OTRS? It is currently
> > mm/dd/yyyy - we use dd/mm/yyyy for everything else, so it gets
> > confusing! Thanks, Hamish
>       It's a setting defined in the language file that you're using. For
> example, in spanish, the laguage file is $OTRSHOME/Kernel/Language/es.pm
> and the dates are defined this way:
>     # date formats
> (%A=WeekDay;%B=LongMonth;%T=Time;%D=Day;%M=Month;%Y=Year;)
>     $Self->{DateFormat} = '%D-%M-%Y %T';
>     $Self->{DateFormatLong} = '%A %D %B %T %Y';
>     $Self->{DateInputFormat} = '%D-%M-%Y';
>     $Self->{DateInputFormatLong} = '%D-%M-%Y - %T';
>       Look for $Self->{DefaultLanguage} in Config.pm to know exactly which
> languaje are you using...
>       Bye!
Thanks Victor, this is perfect!

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