
I've ran into this problem as well. I hooked OTRS 2 into Vtiger CRM as the 
customre backend, and this was one of the first things I noticed. I considered 
removing those update fields, but in the end decided that having them was more 
usefull, especially change date and change by. So I went into the table in 
Vtiger that I was using and simply added those columns with the same attributes 
as the ones in the OTRS table. This doesn't hurt the CRM backend at all as the 
CRM is not awasre that the additional columns exist, and in terms of overall 
volume of data, it's the same as if I used the OTRS database itself. I'm still 
testing all this, but so far, haven't had any problems.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephen Jones
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 9:44 PM
To: User questions and discussions about OTRS.org
Subject: Re: [otrs] CustomerUser Frontend

On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 16:48 +0100, Stephen Jones wrote:
> Hi, I'm attempting to modify an existing OTRS install so as to enable 
> the customer frontend. We have an MySQL db for holding customer data 
> which I'm attempting to add passwords to so customers can use it. I've 
> added "['UserPassword','Password','CT_ACCOUNT',0,1,'var']" to 
> $Self->{CustomerUser}->{Map}, and added the line 
> "$Self->{'AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::DB';" in Config.pm. 
> However when I try to set a password through the Admin interface I get this 
> error:
> Sep 21 14:49:02 xtr2 OTRS-CGI-1[16325]:
> [Error][Kernel::System::CustomerUser::DB::CustomerUserUpdate][Line:431]:
> Unknown column 'change_time' in 'field list', SQL: 'UPDATE CONTACT SET 
> CT_FNAME = 'Stephen',  CT_LNAME = 'Jones',  CT_CONAME = '****',  
> CT_EMAL = '****',  CT_EMAL = '****',  CT_IDNO = '2445',  CT_BPHN = 
> '****',
> CT_BPHN2 = '',  CT_BMAINPHN = '',  CT_MOB = '****', CT_APHN = '', 
> CT_HPHN = '****',  change_time = current_timestamp,  change_by = 1 
> WHERE CT_EMAL = '****''
> As far as I can tell change_time and change_by are used by OTRS for 
> Tickets, so does anyone know why they're turning up in this statement?

It seems that the fields change_time and change_by are hardcoded into the 
CustomerUserUpdate function, does anyone know why? Has anyone successfully 
enabled the customer frontend for an existing SQL customer database? Anyone 
know if I can remove the lines:
    $SQL .= " change_time = current_timestamp, ";
    $SQL .= " change_by = $Param{UserID} ";
>From Kernel/System/CustomerUser/DB.pm?
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