
We're running OTRS 2.0.4 on Debian Sarge with MySQL 4.1 (which defaults to latin1 on Debian) under Apache 2.0 as CGI. The system is using "swedish" as its locale (sv_SE.iso-8859-1).

Our OTRS installation is Unicode-enabled using $Self->{'DefaultCharset'} = 
in the configuration file.

However, we're having problems with Swedish characters in queue names when viewing statistics.

Statistics --> New Tickets --> CSV yields a iso-8859-1 encoded file. (Shouldn't this be UTF-8?)

Statistics --> New Tickets --> Graph yields a graph where the Swedish characters are replaced by their two strange iso-8859-1 character "counterparts" instead of one, correct character. Could GD::Text or the font be at fault here?

Statistics --> New Tickets --> Printer yields a table with "correct" queue names. Mozilla shows the page as UTF-8 encoded, although I cannot find anything about this in the HTML page itself. Shouldn't the page specify the character set used? Or does OTRS supply this through a Content-Type header instead?

I have tried setting LC_ALL=sv_SE.UTF-8 and LANG=sv_SE.UTF-8 for the CGI script, in case this would affect things, but that didn't change anything.

The queue names in the database also show the two-strange-characters-counterparts, as all tables etc. are latin1 and obviously OTRS has tried stuffing UTF-8 data into those. (I couldn't find anything in the database scripts supplied with OTRS indicating that the tables are set up to be UTF-8. Perhaps this shouldn't matter if one interprets the data correctly...)

I would be grateful for any insights regarding this. Many thanks in advance!

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