
We've tried to adopt the StaticDB TicketIndexAccelerator for our OTRS 2.0.4, and it works most of the time, but every now and then it gets "out of sync" so that OTRS displays that there is a larger number of new cases in some queues than there actually are.

Emptying the index tables and then running the RebuildTicketIndex.pl script seems to fix things, for a while, until they go bad again.

Has anyone come across this?

We're using MySQL 4.1 with (InnoDB) under Debian.

I also noticed that under Debian, a cron job, /etc/cron.d/otrs_rebuild_ticket_index, rebuilds the index every night:

01 01 * * * otrs test -x $HOME/bin/RebuildTicketIndex.pl && 
$HOME/bin/RebuildTicketIndex.pl >> /dev/null

I'm wondering what the purpose of this is? Does the ticket index table not have any other means of auto-purge?

I also read in the OTRS manual that this may become an issue when one has 80000+ tickets in total or 6000+ open tickets. Does anyone have experience of this?

We're running a daily optimization of some of the ticket tables, as suggested by the tuning section of the OTRS manual:

10 1    * * *   root    if [ -x /usr/bin/mysql ]; then echo 'OPTIMIZE TABLE 
`otrsstudentdb`.`article`, `otrsstudentdb`.`ticket`, 
`otrsstudentdb`.`ticket_history`;' | /usr/bin/mysql > /dev/null ; fi

Will this help alleviate some of the potential performance problems when having a large number of tickets in the database?

Thankful for any tips or hints!

Best regards,
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