
You have misunderstood the question. This has nothing to do with the MySQL user, but the user that is stored in MySQL *THROUGH* OTRS. Hence why this forum is the best shot I have of getting the correct information. Running the server with --old-password is not relevant. My question is what encryption scheme does OTRS use to encrypt the user supplied password, nothing more. Unlike other applications I've come across, OTRS is a bit confusing to figure out which hash algorithm was used when encrypting the user's password.

Marco Geweke,

I tried your method, but it did not work. For one thing, there is no crypt() function in MySQL. I tried encrypt, and decrypt, but it did not work.

I wasn't aware this was going to be such a challenge, none the less, I would like anyone who has successfully integrated the OTRS system_user or customer_user password field to speak up! =)

Again this should have been asked in a mySQL List, however:
Why not do the Job with mySQL directly ?
SELECT count(*) FROM system_user WHERE pass=password("yourplaintextpass");
Started your Server with --old-passwords ? No problem, just use
"pass=old_password()" instead.


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