
Thanks for your feedback. I have a very strong feeling we will be embarking on 
a similar modification program in the not-so-distant future. I have taken my 
own halting steps into the source modules on several occasions to just learn 
how things work internally but its soon time to modify the code. I'll try to 
keep in touch as I start and progress.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Knut Haugen
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 3:24 PM
To: otrs@otrs.org
Subject: Re: [otrs] Reskinning OTRS and also any integration with CRM?

[ Jason Loven ]

> Just curious if anyone has done any work on reskinning OTRS at all? Some
> of the views (like the open tickets view) show a lot of information it
> would be nice to pare down to just a line or 3.

I have. It started out as just a few tweaks, but I still decided to
create a whole new theme with all changes in order to be able to
switch back and forth. I just copied the Standard theme and went from
there on. That's the easy part. 

How hard it gets afterwards, depends entirely on what you want to achieve. 

- Just changing some colors and margins is mostly done in the css,
  but you might need a few new css-classes here and there. 
- larger re-designs are hard as the OTRS design is based on tables and
  not divs. This depends mostly on your html-fu. 
- Introducing new templates and cleanup up the moderately overloaded
  interface is more, eh, interesting. Some stuff is controlled by
  config settings and group memberships and such. Changing these in
  the config file removes stuff (e.g. FAQ link in navigation bar, if
  you don't need that). Other stuff is controlled by where you are and
  what you can do. Here you have to set permissions and things like
  that. Again other things have to edited out of the template
  manually. And yet other stuff is controlled by obscure template
  variables virtually impossible to detect where are set and where they
  end up and in which template block/loop. This can be frustrating, to
  say the least. 

  As an example I spent up to three hours in one particular spot
  trying to get a couple of new variables out into the template block
  in the right template, but eventually I gave and created a new
  module and template to do the job. 
  The template language which is re-invented in OTRS leaves something
  to be desired, IMNSHO. 

  On the positive side, it's fairly easy to find which module that
  handles a given page, just by looking at the url. If the URL says
  "Action=AgentTicketForward" for instance, there is a perl library
  called Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketForward.pm which handles this
  request, and template file probably called (also named in the file
  above) called Kernel/Output/HTML/YourTheme/AgentTicketForward.dtl
  which is used. 

  That's about all there is to it. After that, it's elbow grease and
  hard html/perl coding. 

        Knut Haugen
Senior Consultant/programmer                            Linpro AS              
web: http://www.linpro.no/                      +47 21544100
gpg: http://www.knuthaugen.no/misc/key.asc.txt 

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