
Last time i wrote: 

>   I am using ORTS in spanish, but i still get the english sentence Sent
>   new password to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  when i request for a new
>   password in the login page.  I tried to translate this sentence in the
>   /otrs/Kernel/Language/es.pl  file but i didn't find it.  ¿Can anyone
>   tell me how can i translate it?

The answer you gave was for the content and subject of the email giving de new 
password (it helped anyway), but what I need is to change the message that 
comes up in the login page, the sentence in red color over the username 
fieldtext that says " Sent new password to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]".

There is another thing: i'm trying to change the text of the status on a 
ticket, but then when a client Create a new ticket an error comes up.
At the bottom of the admin->status page there is this message:

"Attention: Take care that you also updated the default states in you 
See also: http://doc.otrs.org/cvs/en/html/state.html";, 
but such page doesn't exist, and I dont know what should i do in the 
Kernel/Config.pm file to make the changes of the ticket's status work.


Carlos Andrés Cardona
Analista de Informática
Centro de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Circular 1 No 70-01 Bloque 9
Tel:  +57 4 415 9006
Fax: +57 4 230 6164
--------------------------  www.upb.edu.co  ------------------------------
UPB 70 años de Transformación Social y Humana
-----Mensaje original-----
Enviado el: Miércoles, 24 de Mayo de 2006 02:10 a.m.
Para: otrs@otrs.org
Asunto: otrs Digest, Vol 34, Issue 42

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re:  TimeWorkingHours not working? I am including my config
      (Christian Schoepplein)
   2. Re:  Languaje (spanish) problem (Christian Schoepplein)
   3.  TimeWorking-bug (Alexander Scholler)
   4.  "AgentEmail rejected" problems (Christoph Lindemann)
   5. Re:  "AgentEmail rejected" problems (Alexander Scholler)
   6.  2 questions (Abdelrahman)
   7.  time accounting otrs 2.0.4 (Johan Bijlsma)
   8.  login (Mamakwa M. Sefiri)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 14:58:38 +0200
From: Christian Schoepplein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [otrs] TimeWorkingHours not working? I am including my
To: "User questions and discussions about OTRS.org" <otrs@otrs.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi Carinus,

On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 06:41:31AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   Ok is it possible to do this then.  Can I set a working hours time and
>   then the call is only counted during that time.  

No, that isn't possible at the moment.

>   We have a very
>   ratings centric organisation and they want the performance stats based
>   on the time that a call is open.  I wonder if there is a way to modify
>   the TimeWorkingHours to also be used by the ticket as a an accounting
>   tool. So if the call is logged then the Age is only counted inside the
>   TimeWorkingHours specified.

We can implement this for you, if you want. Please write a message to


if you are interested in our support.

>   Carinus

Best regards,

((otrs)) :: OTRS GmbH :: Europaring 4 :: D - 94315 Straubing
  Fon: +49 (0) 9421 1862 760 :: Fax: +49 (0) 9421 1862 769
    http://www.otrs.com/ :: Communication with success!
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 15:05:29 +0200
From: Christian Schoepplein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [otrs] Languaje (spanish) problem
To: "User questions and discussions about OTRS.org" <otrs@otrs.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Ola Carlos,

On Mon, May 22, 2006 at 05:39:50PM -0500, Carlos A. Cardona Gomez wrote:
>   I am using ORTS in spanish, but i still get the english sentence Sent
>   new password to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  when i request for a new
>   password in the login page.  I tried to translate this sentence in the
>   /otrs/Kernel/Language/es.pl  file but i didn't find it.  ¿Can anyone
>   tell me how can i translate it?

See Kernel/Config/Defaults.pm. There you can finde the both 
configuration params

    $Self->{NotificationSubjectLostPassword} = 'New OTRS Password!';
    $Self->{NotificationBodyLostPassword} = "

you or someone impersonating you has requested to change your OTRS

New Password: <OTRS_NEWPW>


Your OTRS Notification Master

Just copy these settings to Kernel/Config.pm and change them to your 

>   Carlos Andrés Cardona


((otrs)) :: OTRS GmbH :: Europaring 4 :: D - 94315 Straubing
  Fon: +49 (0) 9421 1862 760 :: Fax: +49 (0) 9421 1862 769
    http://www.otrs.com/ :: Communication with success!
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Message: 3
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 15:19:46 +0200
From: Alexander Scholler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [otrs] TimeWorking-bug
To: "User questions and discussions about OTRS.org" <otrs@otrs.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Hi all,

I'm quite sure that I found a bug in the calculation of time past within 
the service time (this is relevant for correct ticket escalation!).

The problem I still have is that under the otrs-linux-user, a 
test-script returns the right result. But under the webgui, I get a 
return of 0 seconds for some combinations of start- and end-dates.

for details.

Can you approve the bug and the bugfix?
Any explanations for my problems?

Bye, Alex


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 15:57:24 +0200
From: Christoph Lindemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [otrs] "AgentEmail rejected" problems
To: "'otrs@otrs.org'" <otrs@otrs.org>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi All!

When a customer tries to replies to an agent email (email-external), he gets
an email back stating 
  "Sorry, AgentEmail rejected because no <OTRS_CMD> found!" 
and a subject 
  "[Ticket#: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] AgentEmail rejected!" 
(Where X is the ticket number)

What could be the reason for this rejection? Why does OTRS not take the
ticket number from the subject, and add it as a new note to the existing

Since I am new to OTRS, I am rather stuck, as I do not know where to look

-I have given all queues their own email address in "System Email Addresses"
-The system uses 1 PostMaster POP3 Account
-The different queue email adresses are all forwarded to this 1 same
PostMaster POP3 Account.
-The POP3 account is setup with "Dispatching by email To: field"
-If a customer sends a new email/incident to the email adresses, OTRS
accepts it correctly and creates a new ticket.
-I have checked the email headers, and verified that the To: field is set
-I have checked that every queue has a correct "Systemaddress:" value.

-I have tried changing "Core::Ticket::Hook"
-Core::PostMaster::PostmasterDefaultQueue:"Dev. Support"

System Log:
Tue May 23 15:50:04 2006 notice OTRS-PM3-76 Fetched 1 email(s) from
Tue May 23 15:50:04 2006 notice OTRS-PM3-76 Ignored Email (From: Christoph
Lindemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Message-ID:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) because the X-OTRS-Ignore is set
(X-OTRS-Ignore: yes). 
Tue May 23 15:50:03 2006 notice OTRS-PM3-76 No commands in AgentInterface
email found, send reject to agent

Kind regards,
Christoph Lindemann


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 06:57:12 +0200
From: Alexander Scholler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [otrs] "AgentEmail rejected" problems
To: "User questions and discussions about OTRS.org" <otrs@otrs.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi Christoph,

the quality of your description of the problem is really excellent.
I can't explain the behavior of your system, but let me try nevertheless...

Christoph Lindemann schrieb:
> Hi All!
> Question
> ----------------------
> When a customer tries to replies to an agent email (email-external), he gets
> an email back stating 
>   "Sorry, AgentEmail rejected because no <OTRS_CMD> found!" 
> and a subject 
>   "[Ticket#: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] AgentEmail rejected!" 
> (Where X is the ticket number)
> What could be the reason for this rejection? Why does OTRS not take the
> ticket number from the subject, and add it as a new note to the existing
> ticket?
> Since I am new to OTRS, I am rather stuck, as I do not know where to look
> next.
> Setup/Background:
> ----------------------
> -I have given all queues their own email address in "System Email Addresses"
> -The system uses 1 PostMaster POP3 Account
> -The different queue email adresses are all forwarded to this 1 same
> PostMaster POP3 Account.
> -The POP3 account is setup with "Dispatching by email To: field"
> -If a customer sends a new email/incident to the email adresses, OTRS
> accepts it correctly and creates a new ticket.
> -I have checked the email headers, and verified that the To: field is set
> correctly.
> -I have checked that every queue has a correct "Systemaddress:" value.
> -I have tried changing "Core::Ticket::Hook"
> -Core::PostMaster::PostmasterFollowUpSearchInReferences:Yes
> -Core::PostMaster::PostmasterDefaultQueue:"Dev. Support"
> System Log:
> ----------------------
> Tue May 23 15:50:04 2006 notice OTRS-PM3-76 Fetched 1 email(s) from
> Tue May 23 15:50:04 2006 notice OTRS-PM3-76 Ignored Email (From: Christoph
> Lindemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Message-ID:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) because the X-OTRS-Ignore is set
> (X-OTRS-Ignore: yes). 

"X-OTRS-Ignore is set" - either in the follow-up-mail received by OTRS 
(check the mail-header!) or set by a Postmaster Filter you created.

> Tue May 23 15:50:03 2006 notice OTRS-PM3-76 No commands in AgentInterface
> email found, send reject to agent
> (MessageID:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)! 

Why "send reject to -agent-". It seems like the mail is recognized as an 
  mail from an agent (not customer). "No commands" could mean that this 
mail is interpreted as a kind of "remote control" of OTRS through mails 
from agents. For this mail, no corresponding commands are found.
I don't know this feature - do you use a CVS-version of OTRS?

But perhaps, I'm completely wrong.
> Kind regards,
> Christoph Lindemann

Bye, Alex


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 09:46:27 +0300
From: Abdelrahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [otrs] 2 questions
To: otrs@otrs.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Dear all,

I have 2 problems in otrs that i need to solve..

1. i want to generate statistical reports about the number of tickets :
(closed, opened, pending) per each agent?!

2. i want to generate statistical reports about the number of tickets per
customer group and my customer groups are on ldap?!

can please any body help?!

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Message: 7
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 09:05:31 +0200
From: Johan Bijlsma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [otrs] time accounting otrs 2.0.4
To: otrs@otrs.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

When I use time accounting i get after some minutes a Internal Server
Error. This problem occurs from month 3. Month 1 en 2 generates reports
without a problem.

I find de following errors in the apache error_log.

[Tue May 23 09:43:49 2006] [error] [client] ERROR:
OTRS-CGI-34 Perl: 5.8.0 OS: linux Time: Tue May 23 09:33:50 2006,
referer: http://yogi/otrs/cgi-bin/index.pl?Action=SystemStats
[Tue May 23 09:43:49 2006] [error] [client] , referer:
[Tue May 23 09:43:49 2006] [error] [client]  Message:
Need UserLogin!, referer:
[Tue May 23 09:43:49 2006] [error] [client] , referer:
[Tue May 23 09:43:49 2006] [error] [client]  Traceback
(10895): , referer: http://yogi/otrs/cgi-bin/index.pl?Action=SystemStats
[Tue May 23 09:43:49 2006] [error] [client]    Module:
Kernel::System::CustomerUser::DB::CustomerName (v1.36) Line: 77,
referer: http://yogi/otrs/cgi-bin/index.pl?Action=SystemStats
[Tue May 23 09:43:49 2006] [error] [client]    Module:
Kernel::System::CustomerUser::CustomerName (v1.22) Line: 199, referer:
[Tue May 23 09:43:49 2006] [error] [client]    Module:
Kernel::System::Stats::AccountedTime::Run (v1.4 ) Line: 128, referer:
[Tue May 23 09:43:49 2006] [error] [client]    Module:
Kernel::Modules::SystemStats::Run (v1.26 ) Line: 164, referer:
[Tue May 23 09:43:49 2006] [error] [client]    Module:
Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.8) Line: 651, referer:
[Tue May 23 09:43:49 2006] [error] [client]    Module:
/opt/otrsprod/bin/cgi-bin/index.pl (v1.80) Line: 47, referer:
[Tue May 23 09:43:49 2006] [error] [client] , referer:

Some help will be really helpful.
Thanks for your time,
Best Regards,

Johan Bijlsma.
Lelystad, Netherlands.


Message: 8
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 09:09:56 +0200
From: "Mamakwa M. Sefiri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [otrs] login
To: "User questions and discussions about OTRS.org" <otrs@otrs.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Is it possible to make the system recognize the Customer and Agent login
details whenever they login, only if they have login before on the






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