Let us know how this test works out:

Open a command prompt/shell on the computer that has OTRS installed
Type in "TELNET [exchange.servername.here] 25" (where
[exchange.servername.here] is your exchange/SMTP server).

You should get a window that looks like this:
#telnet infiniti.lala.com 25
#Trying xxx.xxx.xx.xxx...
#Connected to infiniti.lala.com.
#Escape character is '^]'.
#220 INFINITI.lala.com Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.xxxx.xxxx
ready at  Wed, 28 Jun 2006 13:59:45 -0400

(type in "quit" to close session)

Does this work for you?

On 6/28/06 12:58 PM, "Keith Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We changed from our Postfix on Linux mail server system to Exchange also a few
> weeks ago, and it killed our mail notification. Our new IT security policy
> probably means that OTRS never will be routed through exchange.
> I have been looking at alternative solutions, specifically setting up sendmail
> on the same server as OTRS and using it as our outgoing server.
> I am monitoring this discussion closely and ask that if you find a solution,
> please post it to the newsgroup.
> Thanks  
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