I just noticed I'm getting the following error output from the
GenericAgent.pl job. Anyone have any ideas what's causing it? Looks like
a syntax problem to me since it's looking for a table "at" that doesn't
exist. This is on a 2.0.4 install (which I had planned on upgrading to
2.1.x today).



DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'at' is marked as crashed and
should be repaired at /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 440, <PRODUCT>
line 4.

ERROR: OTRS-GenericAgent-10 Perl: 5.8.5 OS: linux Time: Fri Nov 24
09:02:06 2006


 Message: Table 'at' is marked as crashed and should be repaired, SQL:
'SELECT DISTINCT st.id, st.tn, st.create_time_unix FROM  ticket st,
queue sq , article at  WHERE sq.id = st.queue_id AND st.id =
at.ticket_id AND ( LOWER(at.a_subject) LIKE LOWER('%Alert: Computer
Associates%')) ORDER BY st.create_time_unix DESC LIMIT 2000'


 Traceback (11087): 

   Module: Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch (v1.194) Line: 2484

   Module: Kernel::System::GenericAgent::JobRun (v1.11 ) Line: 319

   Module: /opt/otrs//bin/GenericAgent.pl (v1.36) Line: 197


DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_array failed: fetch() without execute() at
/opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 477, <PRODUCT> line 4.

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'at' is marked as crashed and
should be repaired at /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 440, <PRODUCT>
line 4.

ERROR: OTRS-GenericAgent-10 Perl: 5.8.5 OS: linux Time: Fri Nov 24
09:02:06 2006


 Message: Table 'at' is marked as crashed and should be repaired, SQL:
'SELECT DISTINCT st.id, st.tn, st.create_time_unix FROM  ticket st,
queue sq , article at  WHERE sq.id = st.queue_id AND st.id =
at.ticket_id AND ( LOWER(at.a_subject) LIKE LOWER('%notification for
Concerto Foods%')) ORDER BY st.create_time_unix DESC LIMIT 2000'


 Traceback (11087): 

   Module: Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch (v1.194) Line: 2484

   Module: Kernel::System::GenericAgent::JobRun (v1.11 ) Line: 319

   Module: /opt/otrs//bin/GenericAgent.pl (v1.36) Line: 197


DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_array failed: fetch() without execute() at
/opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 477, <PRODUCT> line 4.

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'at' is marked as crashed and
should be repaired at /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 440, <PRODUCT>
line 4.

ERROR: OTRS-GenericAgent-10 Perl: 5.8.5 OS: linux Time: Fri Nov 24
09:02:06 2006


 Message: Table 'at' is marked as crashed and should be repaired, SQL:
'SELECT DISTINCT st.id, st.tn, st.create_time_unix FROM  ticket st,
queue sq , article at  WHERE sq.id = st.queue_id AND st.id =
at.ticket_id AND ( LOWER(at.a_subject) LIKE LOWER('%Alert: Concerto
Foods%')) ORDER BY st.create_time_unix DESC LIMIT 2000'


 Traceback (11087): 

   Module: Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch (v1.194) Line: 2484

   Module: Kernel::System::GenericAgent::JobRun (v1.11 ) Line: 319

   Module: /opt/otrs//bin/GenericAgent.pl (v1.36) Line: 197


DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_array failed: fetch() without execute() at
/opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 477, <PRODUCT> line 4.

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'at' is marked as crashed and
should be repaired at /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 440, <PRODUCT>
line 4.

ERROR: OTRS-GenericAgent-10 Perl: 5.8.5 OS: linux Time: Fri Nov 24
09:02:06 2006


 Message: Table 'at' is marked as crashed and should be repaired, SQL:
'SELECT DISTINCT st.id, st.tn, st.create_time_unix FROM  ticket st,
queue sq , article at  WHERE sq.id = st.queue_id AND st.id =
at.ticket_id AND ( LOWER(at.a_body) LIKE LOWER('%Customer: Midvalley
Glass%')) ORDER BY st.create_time_unix DESC LIMIT 2000'


 Traceback (11087): 

   Module: Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch (v1.194) Line: 2484

   Module: Kernel::System::GenericAgent::JobRun (v1.11 ) Line: 319

   Module: /opt/otrs//bin/GenericAgent.pl (v1.36) Line: 197


DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_array failed: fetch() without execute() at
/opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 477, <PRODUCT> line 4.





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